How to Calibrate your HPLC - Agilent 1220 Autosampler

How to Calibrate your HPLC - Agilent 1220 Autosampler

Calibrating the HPLC


This document details how to properly calibrate an Agilent 1220 Autosampler HPLC to deliver accurate results for cannabis potency testing.


It is the responsibility of the operator to ensure that the calibrant kit being used is not expired and has been properly stored in a freezer at or below -20 °C.

Materials and Equipment 


Calibrant Kit (Includes 40 uL of sample - estimated 4 to 6 injections per vial) 
  1. 1 ug/mL Standard (A Labeled Amber Vial)
  2. 5 ug/mL Standard (B Labeled Amber Vial)
  3. 10 ug/mL Standard (C Labeled Amber Vial)
  4. 25 ug/mL Standard (D Labeled Amber Vial)
  5. 50 ug/mL Standard (E Labeled Amber Vial)


  1. Agilent 1220 Autosampler HPLC system

Safety Issues

      Safety glasses and disposable nitrile gloves should always be worn when handling chemicals. In the event of skin contact, eye contact, ingestion, or inhalation, refer to the appropriate MSDS for first aid measures.


  1. Remove the calibration standards from the -20 °C freezer and let them equilibrate at room temperature for 3 minutes.
  2. Make sure the HPLC is on and warmed up so that it is ready to run samples. a. Run through the Startup Method if the HPLC is not ready to run samples.
  3. At the Cann-ID home page, click the blue "Create New Test" button.

  1. Select Quality Control Test 
  2. Fill out the Batch Number, Sample Name, and Material type 
  3. Select Create QC Test 
  4. From the home menu Select Quality Control Results
  5. Select the sample that was just created 
  6. From here you can add the sample to queue
  1. Access the sample queue. You will notice that there are vials labeled A-E in your sample queue. These indicate that your calibration vials will be added to the sample queue to be run.
  1. Prior to placing calibrant vials into the sample tray, ensure each vial is well homogenized by vortexing them individually for 10 seconds.
  2. Remove the sample tray from HPLC and place respectively vials A, B, C, D, and E in the designated position exactly as described in the diagram above.

  1. Go back to the sample queue and click “Start” to begin the calibration. Your machine will now begin the calibration process. 
  2. Upon completion, operators must contact the Cann-ID Support to update their calibration table and update their method.

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