Sample Preparation Checklist

Sample Preparation Checklist

Sample preparation is the most important component in measuring accurate results with your Cann-ID system.  When preparing your sample, please make sure to follow each of these steps carefully:
  1. Calibrate your balance daily before using it.
  2. Ensure that the balance is stable and the doors are closed before taring the balance and before recording the sample weight.
  3. Vortex the sample in the sample extraction vial until thoroughly mixed.
  4. Sonicate flower samples for 10 minutes at room temperature and oil samples for 15 minutes at room temperature.
  5. Vortex the sample regularly after sonicating.
  6. When transferring the sample from the green vial to yellow, and yellow vial to blue, make sure of the following:
    1. A new tip is used for each transfer
    2. The tip is primed three times with the solution being transferred before performing the transfer
    3. When drawing up the first solution, the plunger is depressed only to the first stop
    4. When dispensing from the micropipette depress the plunger to the second stop (as far as the plunger can be pressed down)
    5. Once transferred, wash the tip in the second solution three times
  7. If you are using a manual injector: Ensure that the sample loop has been washed 8 times with 50 uL of methanol wash solution before injecting the sample solution

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